
PartB News Quotes Cynthia Robinson on Liability Premiums

Health care litigation attorney Cynthia Robinson, discussed ways to hold costs of the increasing liability premiums with PartB News.

Cynthia explained that there are some simple measures providers can take to keep their liability costs low. One example she gave was ensuring documentation is accurate and simple words like “not” are included when appropriate. She stated, “Simple errors like leaving out the word ‘not’ can make all the difference.” Cynthia continued to explain, “the doctor was named in a suit in which one of the claims was failure to document the results of a bilateral procedure — which in fact had never taken place but based on the records appeared to have.”

Another cost saving practice Cynthia discussed was to ensure every new or changed sequence the patient encounters is documented. While providers are allowed to amend records, the timing of doing so can and will be brought up in a lawsuit. “One of the tools [that] plaintiffs’ attorneys have been starting to use lately is audit logs,” Cynthia explained.

Audit logs show the time and date modifications were made. She continued to state that “it might have been something administrative, but it gives plaintiff’s counsel the opportunity to cast doubt on what the doctor was doing.”

For more information on ways to lower liability premium costs read the full article here.

A leading health care litigator, Cynthia Robinson defends doctors, nurses, hospitals and other healthcare providers in high-stakes medical malpractice litigation from case inception to trial. For the entirety of her career, Cynthia has focused her practice exclusively on medical malpractice defense. She listens to her clients; she anticipates and avoids future potential risk; and she identifies not only the best legal arguments but the best way those should be made based upon the circumstances and parties involved. To learn more about Cynthia, please click here.  

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