
Congratulations on a Defense Verdict at Trial for Henry Shaub and Rob Castillo

After a lengthy trial, Henry Shaub and Rob Castillo were able to obtain a defense verdict for our clients, a vascular surgeon and the hospital where the treatment was rendered. In this matter, the patient presented to the hospital with pain in her leg while walking and at rest due to a clot behind the knee resulting in reduced blood flow through the leg and foot that required surgical intervention. Our client appropriately performed surgical intervention to improve blood flow to the foot through a bypass graft. Within short period of time post-operatively, the patient’s pulses and blood flow in the foot diminished, and the patient was taken back to the OR. It was claimed that our client failed to properly revascularize the leg that ultimately resulted in an above-the-knee amputation. We were able to prove that the appropriate steps were taken to attempt to revascularize the leg, which were ultimately unsuccessful due to the patient’s peripheral vascular disease, extensive history of smoking, and underlying clotting disorder. Unfortunately, despite best efforts and the standard of care being provided, the patient required an above-the-knee amputation since any future attempts of revascularization would be futile.

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